
If you’re anything like anyone else, you have a long “to-do” list that you tell yourself you’ll get to later. Fix the down spout, replace those slats on the patio cover that are rotted out…why does the sink smell?
Why do we always put it to the back burner? It obviously isn’t important enough to give it our full attention because, you’ve been putting it off for…how long now? “That’s future me’s problem”, right?

Well, I sit here typing this blog post nearly a month out from my last one (I told myself I would do this at LEAST bi-weekly. Oops). With a long to-do list, that continues to grow, I had to start eating that elephant. Finish editing the interview with Taylor Adams, upload it and configure the website and then write a blog post; this one. All we can do is slowly chip away at our tasks and catch up to the ever growing list. This goes 10 fold with your house. The leaky faucet, the scuffs/dents in the wall, the dish washer that runs a little longer than it should, the out dated flooring… Homeowners tend to push it off until it isn’t functional anymore or it breaks. Like a majority of you, I’m guilty of this as well. Not sure I would call it procrastinating though, as much as I would call it a lack of time and/or money. But we all have time to binge a Netflix series, eh?

I find it sad that when we finally fix our homes to how we always imagined what could’ve been, it’s for the next owner to enjoy for years to come. Ha.


Out with the gray


$418M NAR settlement