We don’t pick paint colors
The color wheel Kim Hutton is fanning out shows a variety of different colors. Even from all those colors, you can reduce a colors’ tint by 25% of its formula; or add 25%. While most people don’t do this, we’ve seen it. We’ve seen it enough times to even mention that this happens. Of the 1,700 colors from Sherwin Williams, they still had to reduce a color by 25% to achieve the exact color for their dining room. Does it matter to us? Not at all, we will buy any paint color you choose!
How long do you think it took them to figure this out, though? To even narrow down and choose one color from the hundreds of different greens they sampled. All those trips to the store; the quarts they’ll have to now recycle, or leave piling up in the garage, if they don’t like the color. Wonder if Sherwin was even there first choice… Home Depot? Benjamin Moore? Dunn Edwards? Vista?
If you enjoy this kind of thing then you will have a field day selecting colors! But, this is why we say we don’t pick colors, we just apply them.
We like to leave these decisions to the professionals.